Sunday, February 3, 2008

All in the context!

~Embedded in the context~

I was thinking about why it is difficult to understand others and what really does matter? It seems to all depend on the socio-economic-political context that you live in. Seems pretty logical and banal, but do you really put yourself in other's shoes? So, regarding the two questions that started the blog --

Generation gap:
It is the difficulty in understanding the embedded context of other generations. With your "rational and logical" thinking, you can probably never understand.

What really does matter?
Unfortunately, not the majority of the time we spend on. I had the good opportunity to live in different continents. So, what used to seem like important & "something that must be done" in one place becomes utterly inconsequential in other. This should be clear from the above 'context' post. The sooner one realizes this and realizes what is really important, the closer one is to the elusive happiness (I think).

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